Jukani…. An approved MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experience

Jukani is the latest of our MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® approved experiences, meeting Sustainable Development Goal 15 – Life on Land. Read more about Goal 15 here.

Jukani’s mission: ‘To maintain and manage a sustainable wildlife sanctuary, with the focus on creating widespread awareness about the plight of large predators in captivity, in South Africa and all over the world.

Jukani is forever home to the majestic big cats of the world, including Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Pumas and Jaguars. These animals have have been rescued or re homed from facilities that could no longer care for them. Homed in a large natural habitat, designed and built around each individual animal’s needs, they are free of exploitation and the stress caused by human interaction.

Enjoy an 80-minute walking safari with a knowledgeable guide where you’ll also find Raccoons, a Honey badger, Caracal, an African polecat, some Zebra and Springbok and predators such as the Spotted Hyena. Learn more about the plight of these animals and understand how, through lifestyle changes and choices, you can contribute to a chance at a better future for them.

Jukani is a no touch, #HandsOff facility.  They do not allow interaction with the wild animals. The cats and other wild animals at the Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary are sterilised and therefore do not breed, so you will see no baby animals during your visit.  ‘At Jukani we do not condone the practices of the pet-play-and-pay industries.’ Jukani is an active supporter of #animalrightsintourism and don’t support any wildlife interaction.

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