Checking in with Esme

We adopted Esme in September last year after inviting you to assist us by voting for who YOU thought we should adopt.

Esme is the youngest rhino orphan at Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC).  Her mother was a young and inexperienced cow who couldn’t produce milk for Esme.  On arrival she was extremely malnourished.  Esme was the first rhino calf introduced to an Anatolian Sheperd dog, Dawid, as a companion. It took a few days but as soon as the two were used to each other the relationship was remarkable and unbreakable.  Esme has a loving soft soul and has been one of the most relaxed calves at the Centre – just wanting love and attention every chance she gets.

Today we are very happy to report that she is doing really well!  Esme has moved to a new temporary boma while her own boma undergoes maintenance and an upgrade.  She loves her walks around the HESC grounds during the day with her pedi-sheep friends, Mielie and Nungu.  Esme also gets daily visits from Dawid, the Anatolian Shepherd dog.

Apparently mud baths are a firm favorite, together with chasing any passing vehicle!


When Esme first arrived at HESC, she weighed in at a TINY 56 kg.  Today, Esme is so big she can’t be weighed and is estimated at around 700 to 800 kg!

We look forward to watching her progress and cannot wait for the day that she is able to join her friends who have already been released, including Gertjie, our first adopted rhino.

Contact a Thompsons Africa consultant at any time for assistance.


Tel: +27 31 275 3500


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